Crisis Staff session tomorrow - more rigorous measures?; "Four more months"

The measures adopted by the Crisis Staff on Friday are still in force today. Caterers and shopping malls are open until 2 p.m.

Izvor: B92

Sunday, 28.02.2021.


Crisis Staff session tomorrow - more rigorous measures?;

Crisis Staff session tomorrow - more rigorous measures?; "Four more months"

A new session of the Crisis Staff will be held on Monday, at which the effects of this decision will be discussed.

Grocery stores are open until 9 p.m. today.

Such a decision was the result of a compromise between the medical part of the Crisis Staff, in favor of five days lockdown, and other members who were in favor of not shortening the working hours of caterers.

The decision that restaurants, cafes, shopping centers work until 2 p.m. was made in order to stop the growth of the number of newly infected people, which has been recorded in Serbia every day in the previous days.

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