A shock followed: The girl's abduction was organized by her father

The kidnapping of 14-year-old V.G. was organized by her father, Macedonian Interior Minister, Oliver Spasovski, said at a press conference.

Izvor: B92

Monday, 04.12.2023.


A shock followed: The girl's abduction was organized by her father

A shock followed: The girl's abduction was organized by her father

Macedonian prosecutor Gavril Bubevski said that the three suspects for the murder of a 14-year-old girl and a 74-year-old man, who are in custody, have been questioned and that the Prosecution has a confession about the course of events.

He said at the press conference that now it is known exactly who did what and what he was responsible for, Macedonian A1on reports.

"We have the confession of the suspects who is responsible for what," said the chief public prosecutor. According to the first information, they said in their statements that they killed Vanya because the matter got out of control. That's their version," added Bubevski.

"We are talking about two criminal acts, kidnapping for profit and murder. Due to the connection of both with the perpetrators, who are the same, the most severe possible qualification and the most severe possible punishment are foreseen," said Gavril Bubevski.

The Minister of Police said that five people are suspected, that three people are in custody, one is out of the country, and the fifth person, the father of the minor girl, has been detained and questioned.

"The motive is self-interest, whereby one of the persons, in agreement and with the knowledge of a family member, organized the execution of a criminal act in order to extort money from the mother, so that in the future all those involved would benefit," said Spasovski at the press conference. According to him, the main organizer was Lj.P, who is on the run.

"We will do everything to find him, we are looking for him," added Spasovski. Also, the prosecutor said at the press conference that an international warrant has been issued for him. Let us remind you that North Macedonia is shaken by the terrible case of the murder of a 14-year-old girl and a hairdresser.

Details of the investigation are leaking to the media. Let's remind, for V.G. was searched for a week, and eventually her lifeless body was found in the vicinity of Skopje.

They have been looking for her since Monday, and the prosecution stated that she was killed on the same day she disappeared, that is, on November 27 of this year, after she was taken by vehicle from the entrance to her place of residence.

The body of 74-year-old P.Ž., a hairdresser from Veles, was also found, whose disappearance was reported on November 24.

According to Skopje media, Lj.P. is a Macedonian businessman and politician. He has a right-wing pro-Russian party in Macedonia, was engaged in construction, and was in extradition custody in Belgrade on an international warrant from Croatia. He also had his own podcast.

The three detained were in close relations with him, as Skopje's Telma TV reports, through the minor radical "Right Party", and they often shared photos together on social networks.

According to the main suspect's Facebook account, Palevski advertised on social networks every day except for November 27, when, according to the investigation, the kidnapping and murder of a 14-year-old girl took place.

Critical opposition

Macedonian Justice Minister Krenar Loga said today that this is one of the biggest tragedies in North Macedonia and demanded responsibility and maximum punishment for the perpetrators.

On his Facebook page, he expressed his condolences to the families of those killed, Macedonian A1on reports.

"This is one of the biggest tragedies in our country because two lives were ruthlessly taken. Responsibility and maximum punishment for the perpetrators," Loga wrote.

Macedonian opposition party VMRO-DPMNE announced that the brutal murder of 14-year-old V.G. presents a defeat for the entire country, as well as that it occurred due to "system malfunction, incompetence of institutions and lack of responsibility".

As they claim, the main suspect who is on the run is a former high-ranking official of the ruling SDSM and, it is said, part of a criminal group that "operates in public space and blackmails dissenters", Macedonian A1on reports.

"Spasovski was busy organizing the summit, while the bloodthirsty gang was killing and rampaging through Skopje. Spasovski should answer one question - when did the investigation find out about the perpetrators? And did Spasovski and the heads of the Ministry of Interior hide because of the OSCE summit. Numerous scandals happened during his mandate," the statement said.

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