Victims of the crime in Cetinje buried; Hundreds of citizens in front of the chapel

A large number of Montenegrin citizens paid their last respects to the victims of the crime in Cetinje today.

Izvor: Tanjug

Sunday, 14.08.2022.


Victims of the crime in Cetinje buried; Hundreds of citizens in front of the chapel
Tanjug/AP Photo/Risto Bozovic

Victims of the crime in Cetinje buried; Hundreds of citizens in front of the chapel

Ten victims were buried at the Cetinje city cemetery, in Bajice, Gradac and Ljubotinje. Today, the residents of Cetinje saw off Nataša Martinović (35) and her two minor sons Mašan (11) and Marko (8) to their eternal rest, and the column in front of the city chapel did not seem to end for hours. With a bloody feast, Vuk Borilović took away their relatives, friends, godfathers, neighbors and fellow citizens.

Apart from Nataša and her two sons, Milan Mitrović, Goran Djurišić, as well as Dimitrije, Danica and Rajko Drecun, all victims of the brutal mass murderer Vuk Borilović, will be buried in Cetinje.

An hour after Martinović family's funeral, their godfather Milan Mitrović, who was killed when he went to see what was happening in Martinović's house, will be buried at the Cetinje cemetery.

Goran Djurišić, the uncle of Borilović, who died when he tried to restrain his cousin, will be buried in Gradac. Among the victims are sisters Aleksandra and Mila Radunović, who will be buried tomorrow at the New Cemetery in Cetinje. Previously, a commemorative session was held in the Government House on Cetinje, which was attended by members of the families of the tragic victims, representatives of the local government, the Government, along with the President Milo Djukanović and Prime Minister Dritan Abazović, RTCG reported.

In the shooting that took place on Friday in the Medovina neighborhood of Cetinje, near the Government House, 11 people were killed, including the attacker Vuk Borilović, while six were wounded.

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