Djukanovic speaks out about "Pandora" affair

President Milo Djukanović submitted a written statement to the Special State Prosecutor's Office regarding the "Pandora's Papers" affair.

Izvor: Tanjug

Tuesday, 02.11.2021.


Djukanovic speaks out about

Djukanovic speaks out about "Pandora" affair

Referring to information from sources close to the investigation, the Podgorica-based Dan portal writes that Djukanovic clarifies and repeats previous statements in the media that the disputed companies mentioned in the documentation never worked or had open accounts with any bank in exotic destinations.

It is added that Djukanovic's claims coincide with the testimony that his son Blazo gave on October 22 this year during the hearing before the special prosecutor Sanja Jovicevic. The documentation in the SDT about the "Pandora's papers" affair states that Milo and Blažo Djukanović concluded secret agreements on the management of their property in 2012, hiding behind a complicated network of related companies from Great Britain, Switzerland and the British Virgin Islands, Panama and Gibraltar.

It is claimed that the son of the President of Montenegro used this structure to form two secret companies with daughter companies in London and Montenegro.

These data were obtained by the MANS Research Center through a global investigation of offshore business called "Pandora's Papers" (Pandora Papers) led by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) with partners from 117 countries.

So far, the largest database that has reached the public contains almost 12 million documents from 14 offshore agencies.

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