"The epidemiological situation in Montenegro is disastrous"

Epidemiological situation in Montenegro is disastrous, warned the president of the Podgorica Health Commission, Dr Nebojsa Kavaric.

Izvor: Tanjug

Friday, 27.08.2021.



"The epidemiological situation in Montenegro is disastrous"

According to him, it is incomprehensible that the information that speaks of dozens of dead and the number of newly infected people, which dramatically rises to 1.000, leaves the public almost indifferent.

Kavaric therefore believes that someone urgently needs to change communication strategy towards the entire population, to motivate and "concern" the public in order, as he points out, to alleviate the difficult situation with COVID-19 and seriously increase the number of vaccinated.

"It is as if we are having a nightmare that is happening to someone other than us. I am afraid that the price of all of the above will be huge...", Kavarić said in a statement for Podgorica's Pobjeda.

He reminded that since early August, 71 people have died from the consequences of the coronavirus, but also that the numbers of newly infected people are not encouraging.

"The losses are huge. It is less important where we are compared to this or that country, in the region or in the world. It is important that the coverage with the vaccination that is available to us is at unacceptably low level, at only about 33 percent of the fully vaccinated", Kavarić concluded.

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