Slovenia is sending armed forces to the border with Croatia?

The Slovenian government is not giving up on the proposal to engage the army on the border with Croatia, portal The Voice of Istria writes.

Izvor: Jutarnji list

Tuesday, 20.10.2020.


Slovenia is sending armed forces to the border with Croatia?
EPA-EFE Philipp Guelland/Ilustracija

Slovenia is sending armed forces to the border with Croatia?

Currently, 180 soldiers of the Slovenian army are monitoring the border in two shifts, accompanied by the police, and if the new proposal of the Slovenian government passes, up to two thousand soldiers could be sent to the border with Croatia to patrol independently.

However, the move of the Slovenian government, however, has not passed the parliament so far, and this is a new attempt, reports Jutarnji list.

The law was passed during the migrant crisis, and it implies that the army at the border gets police powers.

Now the excuse is the situation with the coronavirus, which requires additional police resources in the country itself, explained government spokesman Janez Jansa, a former prime minister who submitted the law to the parliament.

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