Chinese to build EUR 265 million hydropower plant in RS

A contract to build a hydropower plant in the Serb Republic (RS), the Serb entity in BiH, will be signed with a Chinese company in June.

Izvor: Tanjug

Tuesday, 30.04.2019.


Chinese to build EUR 265 million hydropower plant in RS
(EPA, file, illustration)

Chinese to build EUR 265 million hydropower plant in RS

The power lant will be built "after an eight-year wait," the article said, adding that a tender to finance and build all facilities, worth about EUR 265 million, in Dabar had been launched in January, ending on March 1.

"The plant will not be the first Chinese investment in Bosnia-Herzegovina, as a Chinese company will build a unit of the Tuzla coal-fired power plant," said

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