Skopje main post office building fire put out

Firemen managed to localize a fire that broke out inside the building of the Main Post Office in the Macedonian capital of Skopje on Tuesday.

Izvor: B92

Wednesday, 16.01.2013.


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SKOPJE Firemen managed to localize a fire that broke out inside the building of the Main Post Office in the Macedonian capital of Skopje on Tuesday. According to Macedonian media, one person was taken to hospital for smoke inhalation. 20 fire trucks were sent to the scene and 40 firemen were putting out the fire. Skopje main post office building fire put out Macedonian Postal Service Director Rafis Aliti said he was in his office when the fire broke out and that he and other workers were evacuated. Witnesses stated earlier that they had first noticed smoke and then heard an explosion. Skopje Mayor Koce Tajankovski came to the scene during the evening. B92 Tanjug

Skopje main post office building fire put out

Macedonian Postal Service Director Rafis Aliti said he was in his office when the fire broke out and that he and other workers were evacuated.

Witnesses stated earlier that they had first noticed smoke and then heard an explosion.

Skopje Mayor Koce Tajankovski came to the scene during the evening.

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