Serbia does not know what might happen on September 1

Prime Minister of Serbia, Ana Brnabić, stated that from September 1, there will be a period of continuous instability when it comes to Kosovo and Metohija.

Izvor: RTS

Monday, 29.08.2022.


Serbia does not know what might happen on September 1

Serbia does not know what might happen on September 1

She told RTS that no agreement was reached on license plates, since Albin Kurti is not ready to compromise.

Brnabić also said that discussions about that problem are ongoing and pointed out that we do not know what can happen on September 1, because Kurti is ready for anything and does not want peace.

She pointed out that instability is an alibi for Kurti to cover other problems in Kosovo and Metohija that he cannot solve and stated that electricity restrictions have already been introduced on that territory and that there are no job opportunities.

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