NATO fighter tracks Air Serbia Moscow-Belgrade flight: "Serbia will seek explanation"

Tonight, President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, read the report minutes from yesterday's Moscow - Belgrade flight.

Izvor: B92

Thursday, 07.04.2022.


NATO fighter tracks Air Serbia Moscow-Belgrade flight:
Foto: Profimedia

NATO fighter tracks Air Serbia Moscow-Belgrade flight: "Serbia will seek explanation"

"The plane was three hours and 20 minutes late. Not far from the Russian border with Latvia, we were warned to try to visually identify the plane next to ours. There was a military fighter. Russian air traffic control asked our pilot to visually identify the fighter, flying just a kilometer below our plane near the border of Latvia. Apparently there was a NATO plane in the Russian air zone," Vucic said.

Russian flight control warned us it was there, asking to tell them which plane it was.

"The fighter went from left to right without endangering the safety of our civilian flight. Then it quickly disappeared from sight," Vucic read the report of our Airbus pilot.

"Serbia will ask NATO for an explanation regarding the incident," President pointed out.

He added that he loves the West, that he loves Russia endlessly, but that he loves Serbia the most and that our country will do everything to preserve peace and stability.

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