"Kosovo remains in the preamble" VIDEO

Kosovo remains in the preamble of the Constitution of Serbia, said today the Minister of Justice Maja Popović, as a guest on TV Prva.

Izvor: B92

Friday, 11.06.2021.



"Kosovo remains in the preamble" VIDEO

Popovic stated that the amendments to the Constitution are one of the most important activities in the Action Plan for Chapter 23.

The change of the Constitution in the field of justice is the most important in the field of the rule of law, said Popović and added that the rule of law leads to a legal system where there is legal security.

"When you have a state in which there is legal security, foreign investors also come, which means a significant opening of new jobs for citizens, and thus an increase in their standard," said Popovic.

She stated that corruption is a matter of ethics, morals and integrity of every judge, and added that there is no legal norm that can prevent their corrupt behavior, but it can sanction it. In that regard, she pointed out that judges must have adequate salaries because, she added, that will reduce the possibility of corruption.

Popovic believes that judges are currently well paid, adding that there is always the possibility of increasing their salaries, but that we must move within our capabilities. She stated that the proposed changes to the Constitution envisage that judges and prosecutors are no longer elected by the parliament, and added that they will be elected by the High Judicial Council and the High Prosecutorial Council.

As she explained, it is planned that there will be five judges and five prominent lawyers in the High Judicial Council, and four prominent lawyers in the High Council of Prosecutors, four public prosecutors, i.e. deputy public prosecutors, the republic prosecutor and the Minister of Justice.

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