Patriarch: I believe in the coexistence of Serbs and Albanians in Kosovo and Metohija

I deeply believe that there'll be some point of contact and opportunity for coexistence of Albanians and Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija, Serbian Patriarch stated.

Izvor: Tanjug

Saturday, 01.05.2021.


Patriarch: I believe in the coexistence of Serbs and Albanians in Kosovo and Metohija

Patriarch: I believe in the coexistence of Serbs and Albanians in Kosovo and Metohija

He assessed that at this moment, "various great interests" are intertwined around Kosovo and Metohija, which, as he says, see the people in Kosovo and Metohija as objects, and Kosovo itself as a "soulless territory".

"For us, Kosovo is something completely different," the patriarch said in an interview with Radio Belgrade 2.

When asked how he sees the future of Serbian cultural and historical monuments in Kosovo and Metohija, the patriarch points out that it depends only on us, regardless of various external factors, who would like something else, but also depends on our attitude towards Kosovo and Metohija and our experience of Kosovo.

If, he adds, we perceive it only as a territory and a myth, then in that respect you can be losers and winners, current or final. "But, if we experience Kosovo from its very nature and perspective, then we will understand that Kosovo is really a covenant and thus inextricably linked to the identity of our existence," the patriarch stated.

He states that at this moment, not only is it difficult for our people in Kosovo and Metohija and with the people, monks and nuns, but that he deeply believes that sooner or later there will be a point of contact and an opportunity for Albanians and Serbs and other peoples to live together in Kosovo.

He emphasizes that it is important to talk and to get the opportunity to talk in calm tones and to try to get to know each other even more and understand each other's arguments.

"I am sure that, if we have such a mood, sooner or later we will come to a situation in which we will be able to live together, where we do not have to be like brothers, but I am sure that we will be able to be like good neighbors", patriarch said.

When asked about the attacks on the abbot of Visoki Decani, Sava Janjic, the patriarch Porfirije stated that it was "both tragic and funny" and that Janjic showed breadth, openness and a democratic attitude towards every situation and towards all people.

"He is a Christian, a man of the Gospel, and I personally know that he has absolutely never had a different attitude towards people, whether they are Serbs, Albanians, Roma, or I anyone else. He was always ready to be as open as possible and to be as helpful as possible to everyone", Porfirije concluded.

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