"Serbia must be allowed to enter the EU prior to 2025"

Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijarto advocates Serbia's and Western Balkans' faster accession into the EU. "Serbia must be allowed to enter EU before 2025"

Izvor: Tanjug

Thursday, 29.08.2019.



"Serbia must be allowed to enter the EU prior to 2025"

Peter Szijarto, who is attending the meeting of the EU Council in Helsinki, says that Western Balkans integration into EU should happen fast.

He assessed that countries in the region had done the best they could to speed up the accession process. "Accession negotiations with Serbia must be accelerated, while Serbia should be allowed to enter EU prior to 2025", Szijatro said.

Preceding tomorrow's debate on regional co-operation, which will be attended by six Western Balkan representatives in addition to the EU minister, the Hungarian diplomacy chief urged his EU counterparts to stop "just complaining" about the influence of other powers in the Western Balkans and called on the EU to be the one to respond in the fastest way.

"Why don't we allow Western Balkan countries to become member states as quickly as possible?" Szijarto asked. Peter Szijarto concluded that Hungary, as a close neighbor of the region, clearly understands the importance of Western Balkan integration into the EU.

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