New president arrives at Presidency building

Serbia's new president, Aleksandar Vucic, arrived at the Presidency in Belgrade's Andrica Venac <a href="" class="text-link" target= "_blank">after taking the oath of office</a> in the National Assembly.

Izvor: B92

Wednesday, 31.05.2017.


New president arrives at Presidency building

New president arrives at Presidency building

He was welcomed with the sounding of the national anthem, in a red carpet ceremony in front of the building.

Former President Tomislav Nikolic welcomed him at the entrance, where they hugged before walking inside together.

In the presidency's ceremonial hall, Nikolic handed over the symbols of the president of the Republic to Vucic - the presidential flag and seal.

According to announcements, Vucic's inauguration ceremony will be held on June 23.

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