Nikolic says he's "indifferent" to outcome of Seselj's trial

President Tomislav Nikolic says he is "indifferent" when it comes to the verdict announced on Thursday in the Hague Tribunal trial of Vojislav Seselj.

Izvor: B92

Thursday, 31.03.2016.


Nikolic says he's
Nikolic is seen in Belgrade on Thursday (Tanjug)

Nikolic says he's "indifferent" to outcome of Seselj's trial

Nikolic was a high-ranking official of Seselj's SRS party until 2008 when he and a group of SRS MPs formed the Serb Progressive Party (SNS).

"I had not thought about what the verdict could be, but being acquitted or convicted by the Hague Tribunal is a measure for a Serb," Nikolic said, according to Beta.

Earlier on Thursday, the Hague Tribunal (ICTY) acquitted Seselj on all nine counts of the indictment raised against him.

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