Refugees need help between two border hells

Between two border hells, Serbia is telling refugees - good morning and enjoy your meal.

Izvor: B92

Friday, 28.08.2015.


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Refugees need help between two border hells

A scene as evidence that these people sorely need any help.

"Today there was no breakfast for me, I went hungry, as did my wife and child. Please help us in any way," says one of them.

"On the journey through Serbia I regularly received bread, water and other supplies. Belgraders are very good, friendly, I have no reason to be afraid of anything," adds another.

Belgraders who proudly show their empty bags in which they had brought, in addition to food and drinks, hygiene items, toys for children, say - this is the way to welcome new Europeans.

"What we do here, anyone can do. We collect, buy and share, it's awfully easy, and the children are happy, as are these people" said fellow citizens.

"Food and clothing are collected at the Mikser (venue), at various points. We organize also via Facebook. Breakfasts should be organized more often, " they added.

There were also those who bought breakfast for refugees in a store owned by a Palestinian from Syria. On the menu was falafel, laffa, hummus.

"This is really on a huge scale and the needs are great. Whoever can should join the action that will last as long as the exodus," said Veran Matic, B92 Fund President.

Most refugees in the park next to the bus station were also living in difficult conditions at home. For those who want to help - it is recommended to arrive in small groups and place their bags where they estimate they should.

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