State of emergency declared due to flooding

The Serbian government on Thursday decided to declare a state of emergency in the entire territory of the republic.

Izvor: Tanjug

Thursday, 15.05.2014.


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State of emergency declared due to flooding

The government ordered the Directorate for Commodity Reserves to deliver to the most affected areas a thousand tons of commercial corn needed as feed.

The state of emergency in the territory of entire Serbia was declared on the request of the National Emergency Situations Headquarters, which earlier on Thursday conferred to discuss the heavy rainfall and floods.


Prime Minister Aleksandar Vučić announced on Thursday morning that a state of emergency would be declared as he chaired a meeting of the Emergency Situations HQ, and said its goal was to allow all available resources to be deployed to mitigate the consequences of the flooding.

"This is the biggest disaster that can be remembered in the history of Serbia," he was quoted as saying, and adding that "nobody can defeat water and fire and that is why it is paramount to save lives."

Vučić once again appealed on citizens to comply with instructions given by competent state bodies in the flooded areas, and ordered engineering and other units of the Serbian Army (VSS) to be engaged in the rescue and assistance efforts in Mačva, Kolubara, and Morava districts.

Vučić said that the situation in some particularly vulnerable municipalities was "kept under control" but that it was necessary to send army and police units to the three districts.

"I am appealing on people to listen, you cannot beat nature, and when you don't listen to rescuers you risk your own and their lives," said the prime minister.

He noted that more than four-month average amount of rain fell yesterday and today in Valjevo, Čačak, Loznica, and Ub in western and central Serbia.

Justice Minister Nikola Selaković informed the meeting of the particularly difficult situation in the prison in Valjevo, where the ground floor had to be evacuated, with some inmates transferred during the night to Belgrade.

Vučić congratulated all members of the MUP and the Army on their performance in the rescue efforts during the night.

More photos from affected areas

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