Vučić received an ultimatum?; "Welcome to Hell"

Serbs in the north of Kosovo and Metohija are at the barricades for the 17th day.

Izvor: B92

Monday, 26.12.2022.


Vučić received an ultimatum?;

Vučić received an ultimatum?; "Welcome to Hell"

Serbs demand the release of their illegally arrested compatriots, the withdrawal of special units of the Kosovo Police from the north of the province and the withdrawal of secret lists for the arrest of Serbs.

The morning after last night's shooting in Zubin Potok is peaceful.

KFOR confirmed that last night there was a shooting in Zubin Potok, adding that no one was injured in that incident, and no material damage was caused.

In the statement of the KFOR mission, it is stated that shots were fired near one of their patrols, "Koha" reported, stressing that there were no injuries or material damage.

"We can confirm that a few hours ago the KFOR patrol, while on duty in the vicinity of Zubin Potok, heard and saw several gunshots in its vicinity. There were no injuries and there was no material damage. We are checking the facts from the field and will publish more details later," KFOR sources stated.

With this statement, KFOR denied the allegations of the Pristina media that a unit of that military mission was attacked.

The president of Serb List, Goran Rakić, denied last night's report by the Pristina media that the KFOR unit was attacked in Zubin Potok.

"This is new disinformation in a series put out by Pristina, with the aim of drawing KFOR into their dirty games and conflict with the Serbian people," said Rakić.

After the meeting of President Aleksandar Vučić and Prime Minister Ana Brnabić with the military leadership, the Chief of the General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces, General Milan Mojsilović, headed to Raška.

"The tasks that the Serbian Armed Forces and I, as Chief of the General Staff, received are precise and clear, and will be fully implemented," Mojsilović pointed out, adding that the situation is complex and requires the presence of the Serbian Armed Forces along the administrative line.

Yesterday, Pristina banned Serbian Patriarch Porfirije to go to the Patriarchate of Pec before Christmas.

Vučić received an ultimatum?

As reported by the media, the ambassadors of Quint countries last night sent an ultimatum to the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, with the request that the Serbs remove the barricades in the north of Kosovo within 24 hours.

Ambassadors of the USA, Great Britain, Germany, Italy and France allegedly demand that the barricades be removed within 24 hours or, they say, they will allow Kurti to do what he has in mind and go after the Serbs with police force.

Xhelal Sveçla: Barricades must be removed

Last night, a picture of members of the ROSU special units appeared on the Facebook social network with a threatening message that they are ready to intervene whenever necessary.

"Welcome to hell for anyone who wants to die prematurely. We are ready to intervene whenever necessary to protect the interests of our country," the post said.

Pristina banned Serbian Patriarch Porfirije to go to the Patriarchate of Pec ahead of Christmas

Yesterday, Pristina banned Serbian Patriarch Porfirije to go to the Patriarchate of Pec before Christmas.

The statement of the SPC is transmitted to you in its entirety.

"His Holiness the Serbian Patriarch Mr. Porfirije was astonished to receive the news that the authorities in Pristina today forbade him to travel to the Peć Patriarchate, which is the first and centuries-old seat of the Serbian Orthodox Church and a monastery, before the great feast of the Nativity of Christ, which is celebrated by the entire Christian world to whom the Patriarch is the abbot, that is, the elder.

Patriarch Pofririje does not give up his intention to serve divine service in the Patriarchate of Pec and expects that this extremely discriminatory decision will be repealed and that the trampling of the human rights and religious freedoms of Orthodox Serbs living in the Province, on the land of their ancestors, where the Serbian people lived continuously for at least fifteen hundred years.

His Holiness, Patriarch Mr. Porfirije prays to God for peace and goodwill among all people, and especially prays for peace to prevail between Serbs and Albanians in Kosovo and Metohija, where they have lived together for centuries," the statement of the Serbian Orthodox Church reads.

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