A girl cut her friend on the back with a knife in the elementary school in Zrenjanin

A 14-year-old girl cut her friend with a knife in the toilet of the elementary school in Zrenjanin today.

Izvor: B92

Monday, 15.05.2023.


A girl cut her friend on the back with a knife in the elementary school in Zrenjanin
Foto: Shutterstock/Miroslav

A girl cut her friend on the back with a knife in the elementary school in Zrenjanin

The incident, as confirmed for B92.net, took place at the Elementary School "2. Oktobar" in Zrenjanin around 10:40 a.m. As we learn, the girl was cut in the back.

The girl was admitted to the hospital in a stable condition. After receiving help at the Emergency Center in Zrenjanin, she was released to recuperate at home, as reported by Novosti.

The investigation is ongoing.

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