Media: Jelicic cut his throat before the Special Court

During the trial of the Valjevo Group before the Special Court in Belgrade, a defendant Zoran Jelicic slit his throat in front of everyone in the courtroom

Izvor: B92

Wednesday, 20.11.2019.


Media: Jelicic cut his throat before the Special Court

Media: Jelicic cut his throat before the Special Court

According to media reports, Jelicic raised his hand to be given the opportunity to speak, stepped out to the court booth, and with uttering the words "I will kill myself in front of everyone now", took a sharp object out of his pocket and slit his throat.

Jelicic's condition is still uncertain. "The injured person was transported today from the Special Court to the Military Medical Academy, Beta News Agency was told in the Emergency Center. According to the agency, the injuries appear to be in the form of a cut".

Back in 2009, the members of the so-called "Valjevo Group" were arrested in a major police operation, accused of aggravated murder, criminal association, illicit possession of weapons and explosives, infliction of light and serious bodily injuries, and extortion of money.

Milan Lazarevic, Zoran Jelicic, Milan Milijanovic, Nebojsa Goloskkoovic, Aleksandar Pavlovic, Dejan Velimirovic, Mirko Lazarevic, Marko Milickovic and Aleksandar Boskovic were arrested on that occasion.

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