Street signs bearing Đinđić name vandalized

A group of unidentified perpetrators painted over the street signs bearing the name of Zoran Đinđić last week.

Izvor: B92

Monday, 06.08.2007.


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Street signs bearing Đinđić name vandalized

Residents, political parties and non-governmental organizations have condemned the act as vandalism.

This is not the first such incident. Earlier in the year, members of the 1389 organization put stickers over the signs renaming the street Ratko Mladić Boulevard, and were supported in their actions by officials of the Serb Radical Party.

The people who showed up at the scene to protest today said that they were appalled by the constant efforts to vandalize the street signs and that those who are responsible must be punished for their acts.

The angered residents said that the signs will be restored every time they are vandalized.

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