labor market in Serbia: The IT sector took a serious blow

Despite the global economic crisis that marked the past year, the labor market in Serbia has shown surprising resilience.

Izvor: B92

Tuesday, 16.01.2024.


labor market in Serbia: The IT sector took a serious blow
Ilustracija: Depositphotos/AndrewLozovyi

One of the segments affected by consequences in a significant manner is the IT sector, which faced the challenges of workforce optimization both globally and locally.

labor market in Serbia: The IT sector took a serious blow

According to the data available at the Poslovi Infostud website, the total decrease in the number of job advertisements in 2023, compared to the previous year, is 6 percent, which indicates a certain decrease in activity in the labor market.

It is essential to note that the IT sector, otherwise one of the key drivers of economic activity, experienced the biggest blow. This area experienced the biggest drop in published positions, by as much as 50 percent compared to the year before.

Looking at the entire labor market, 71,715 job advertisements were published in 2023, which represents a decrease of 6 percent compared to 2022. On the other hand, there was a noticeable increase in the number of unique candidates by 14%, where 278,116 people were looking for a job in the previous year.
  • Where is the demand?

Analysis of the structure of advertisements in this period shows that the most advertised positions were in the areas of trade/sales, IT, mechanical engineering, administration, and warehousing.

When we talk about specific job positions, salespeople, warehouse workers, drivers, production workers, administrative workers, and salespeople had the most opportunities to get a job.
  • Wages as the crucial factor

A previous large-scale regional survey showed that salary is a decisive factor for candidates when choosing a preferred employer. Taking this into account, employers strive to improve their business offers and try to be as competitive as possible in the level of earnings they offer.

Analyzing the most sought-after positions, the data show that the salaries offered ranged from the minimum to several thousand euros, according to the Infostud announcement.

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