US Investments are coming: Investments planned for India will be redirected to Serbia

Today, Prime Minister of Serbia, Ana Brnabić, announced three or four new investments in Serbia.

Izvor: Tanjug

Tuesday, 20.07.2021.


US Investments are coming: Investments planned for India will be redirected to Serbia

US Investments are coming: Investments planned for India will be redirected to Serbia

According to her, the announcements are the result of the first day of talks she had in New York with representatives of U.S. companies.

"I am very satisfied, it was a good time, I am returning from the meeting in New York with at least three or four new investments or investment funds for our companies and our young talents," Brnabic told reporters after a meeting with more than 50 members of New York branch of "Young President's Organization" (YPO).

This global elite organization gathers presidents, owners and members of the top management of extremely successful companies, younger than 45 years.

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Brnabic said that she informed the participants of the meeting about the facts of how much Serbia has done and what it is doing, as well as that it was very well received.

"People said that they would come to Serbia, that they would redirect the investments they planned to other parts of the world, such as India, to Serbia," said the Prime Minister, specifying that they were interested in investing in the IT sector, startup companies, biotechnology and biomedicine. She added that those investments are not classic investments, but investment funds.

"They will invest money in our talented and smart people who have companies, it will be live money to continue growth and development, and that is the best and the most we can get," Prime Minister said.

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According to her, after returning to Serbia, there is a lot of work left to confirm everything and to bring fresh money into the country, which is a new chance for young people. Brnabic also expressed satisfaction that the leaders of the blockchain company "Gilded", with whom she previously talked, expressed interest in Serbia and its position in the field of blockchain - the latest technology that provides a high level of data protection and guarantees transactions without the possibility of abuse.

"In the years to come, Gilded will be one of the largest and most advanced companies. If we bring them to Serbia, we will be able to position ourselves on the world market in financial technologies, gold trade, and the digital sphere," she said. She adds that the people from the Gilded company were impressed by what Serbia has done in the field of e-government, but also by its position in the field of blockchain.

"They were interested in our data storage capacities for our data center in Kragujevac. If we finish everything we started today, they will come to Serbia or they will be storing their data in Serbia," said the Prime Minister.

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Brnabic added that it is difficult to explain how much that would mean for our country.

"This is really the next level that not only we dream about, but any country in Europe. These are great things. I am overjoyed that we have made a big step," she said and thanked our diaspora and the organization "Serbian Entrepreneurs" from New York or Silicon Valley which helped organize the meetings.

The founder of the Company Gilded LLC, Ashraf Rizvi, expressed satisfaction with the meeting and emphasized that his company needs experts.

"Gilded is actively looking for talent in the blockchain and technology fields that can help us develop solutions to digitize the gold trade, which can provide financial independence to individuals, companies and governments. I look forward to continuing talks and exploring opportunities to work together," Rizvi said.

Rizvi stated that he shares a common passion for digitalization and the fourth industrial revolution with Brnabić, and emphasized that the Prime Minister has a clear vision for building the talent of the digital future of Serbia.

He added that he was pleased to hear about its efforts to expand the IT sector in Serbia, which, he added, is a catalyst for innovation and economic growth, and Barry Merritz, head of New York's most powerful and influential branch of Young President's Organization, shared the same satisfaction with journalists. YPO is an organization that exists in 130 countries and has almost 30.000 members.

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"All participants in the meeting were interested in taking a greater part in the success story that Serbia is creating," Merritz said, adding that he could hardly wait to come to Belgrade.

Today, Serbian Prime Minister continues talks with representatives of U.S. companies, and one of the most important will be with the leaders of the largest investment bank, not only in the United States but also in the world - Goldman Sachs.

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