Serbia "could benefit greatly from car industry revolution"

Serbia could benefit greatly from the revolution in the automotive industry - that is, from the switch to electric cars, Croatian media write.

Izvor: Poslovni dnevnik

Thursday, 31.01.2019.



Serbia "could benefit greatly from car industry revolution"

And this area is rich in in jadarite, a mineral with a high content of lithium, which is used to make electric car batteries, Zagreb-based business daily Poslovni Dnevnik writes.

When the exploitation of jadarite ore begins in the Jadar Basin, near Loznica, western Serbia - which is expected in a few years - it is expected to cover 10 percent of the global lithium needs.

The report added that according to Vucic, Rio Tinto, which is carrying out the Jadar Project - is already in talks with the Chinese about future cooperation. The website also noted that Vucic has met with Rio Tinto executives while in Davos.

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