"Only united opposition stands chance in elections"

Despite announcements, Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic has not yet made a decision on early parliamentary elections.

Izvor: B92

Monday, 31.08.2015.


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"Only united opposition stands chance in elections"

"Chances are 50-50, the only reason against is implementation of reforms, all other (reasons) are in favor of early parliamentary elections. Still, implementation of reforms is a serious reason and that is why we will be considering a while longer, to see what we will be able to do and how quickly to push the process in the coming months," said Vucic.

Considering that recent opinion polls show the SNS to have great support, it seems that opposition parties, if they want to achieve a more serious result in the election, would have to unite. The only one ready for this, at least publicly, is New Party leader Zoran Zivkovic.

"I know there are good partners and it is time to come to the finalization of our agreements in the coming weeks," Zivkovic said.

Faculty of Political Sciences professor Slavisa Orlovic also thinks that a mutual agreement of the opposition would represent its salvation.

According to him, while it could improve the result, "not all combinations are the winning ones, and not all would have the desired effect."

"There are huge difference between them, then there are the egos, but I think that some parties must unite with themselves, first of all," said Orlovic.

It would seem that until that happens, there will be no good election results for the current opposition.

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