Serbian currency hits new low this year

The Serbian dinar (RSD) continued falling against the euro (EUR) on Thursday, losing 0.1 percent of its value, with the middle exchange rate at RSD 116.7676.

Izvor: Tanjug

Thursday, 31.07.2014.


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Serbian currency hits new low this year

Against the euro, the Serbian dinar is 0.8 percent down on this time last month, and 2.5 percent down on the year.

The dinar weakened against the U.S. dollar by 0.4 percent to RSD 87.2964.

Against the American currency, the dinar is 2.8 percent down on this time last month, and 1.7 percent down on the year.

The official middle exchange rate hit a yearly high of RSD 114.6421 per euro on January 1.

Since the start of the year, the NBS purchased a total of EUR 200 million and sold EUR 850 million on the interbank forex market so as to ease the excessive exchange rate volatility on a daily basis.

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