Registered unemployment rate nearly 30 percent

The number of the unemployed in Serbia totaled 778,577 people on May 31 this year, putting the registered jobless rate at 29.53 percent.

Izvor: Tanjug

Monday, 28.07.2014.


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Registered unemployment rate nearly 30 percent

In May, the registered unemployment rate was 1.1 percent down on previous month, and 0.7 percent down year-on-year.

The number of people who have spent more than a year looking for a job increased to 528,594.

The number of the long-term unemployed was increased by 481 people in May this year when compared to the level a month ago and 4.5 percent compared to a year ago.

The total number of people in work was estimated at 1,696,834 in May this year, and dropped by 1.4 percent or 24,714 workers when compared to the same month of 2013, the Serbian Chamber of Commerce's macroeconomic journal notes, citing the Serbian statistical office.

The biggest drop in employment rates was registered in the processing industry, by 9,614 people, in trade - by 5,261, the construction industry by 3,982, the field of science, innovation and technology by 3,093 and the financial sector by 1,352 people.

The highest increase in employment was recorded in the administration and support services sector -2,995 and education sector - 1,775.

In May this year, the number of people in job fell by one percent, or 1,043 people, when compared to the level in April.

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