Meningitis outbreak "no cause for concern"

The Institute for Public Health in Montenegro says there is no cause for concern after a recent meningitis outbreak.

Izvor: B92

Friday, 27.06.2008.


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The Institute for Public Health in Montenegro says there is no cause for concern after a recent meningitis outbreak. According to the Institute, the outbreak was registered back in February, and has been under control since March. Meningitis outbreak "no cause for concern" Thus far 114 people have been diagnosed with meningitis in nine Montenegrin municipalities. Institute Director Boban Mugosa told B92 that there was no danger of a serious epidemic as the virus was transferred via dirty hands and provided personal hygiene was maintained, there was no danger of infection. He believes that the outbreak will be under complete control by the end of summer.

Meningitis outbreak "no cause for concern"

Thus far 114 people have been diagnosed with meningitis in nine Montenegrin municipalities.

Institute Director Boban Mugoša told B92 that there was no danger of a serious epidemic as the virus was transferred via dirty hands and provided personal hygiene was maintained, there was no danger of infection. He believes that the outbreak will be under complete control by the end of summer.

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