That's it, a serious war is brewing; Three armies on the borders

After the Venezuelan president announced his intention to annex two-thirds of Guyana, Brazil began deploying troops to the border with Venezuela.

Izvor: B92

Thursday, 07.12.2023.


That's it, a serious war is brewing; Three armies on the borders
Ilustracija/Tanjug/AP Photo/Ahn Young-joon

That's it, a serious war is brewing; Three armies on the borders

Let's recall that in a public address after Sunday's referendum on the annexation of the Essequibo region, Nicolas Maduro presented a map showing the territory of Guyana on the Venezuelan side.

The Essequibo region is rich in oil and has been a disputed territory since the 19th century when Guyana was a British colony.

Venezuela renewed its claims to the land after offshore oil and gas reserves were discovered a few years ago.

Tensions in the region came to a head after a referendum in which Venezuelans voted on five questions, each concerning the annexation of Essequibo to Venezuela. According to the results of the vote, 95 percent of those who came out voted for the annexation of Essequibo.

Maduro's plans have caused fear throughout the region. Guyana has long since distributed troops on the border with Venezuela, and now the Brazilian army has announced that it is moving more soldiers to the border town of Boa Vista, the capital of the state of Roraima, as well as bringing more armed vehicles.

However, any military incursion by Venezuela into Essequibo will be logistically very challenging, as Venezuelan soldiers must pass through Brazilian territory if they enter Essequibo due to inaccessible terrain elsewhere, according to the BBC.

According to the AFP news agency, the Brazilian military said it was increasing its presence in the region as part of efforts to "guarantee the inviolability of the territory."

Meanwhile, a Guyanese army helicopter with seven people on board went missing near the border with Venezuela on Wednesday. However, Guyana's Chief of Staff Omar Khan said there was "no information to suggest that Venezuela is involved".

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