Today, the indictment against the father of the killer boy from Vladislav Ribnikar

The Higher Public Prosecutor's Office in Belgrade will file an indictment today against V.K., the father of the boy-murderer from school Vladislav Ribnikar.

Izvor: Tanjug

Tuesday, 10.10.2023.


Today, the indictment against the father of the killer boy from Vladislav Ribnikar
Foto: Profimedia

Today, the indictment against the father of the killer boy from Vladislav Ribnikar

V.K.'s detention was extended several times.

It is expected that the Chief Public Prosecutor of the Higher Public Prosecutor's Office in Belgrade, Nenad Stefanović, will address the journalists on this occasion at noon.

It is suspected that the father acted contrary to the Law on Arms and Ammunition and the Rulebook on Spatial Technical Conditions for the Safe Storage of Arms and Ammunition.

As it is suspected, he did not provide the conditions for safe accommodation and storage of weapons and ammunition so that they cannot come into the possession of unauthorized persons, i.e. they are locked and separately put away in safes, cash registers or similar cabinets that cannot be easily opened.

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