SBU: Russians, HIMARS paid you a visit VIDEO

A source from the Ukrainian Security Service SBU confirmed that Ukrainian forces hit a temporary command post of the Russians in the Kherson region.


Tuesday, 26.09.2023.


SBU: Russians, HIMARS paid you a visit VIDEO
Tanjug/AP Photo/Alex Babenko

SBU: Russians, HIMARS paid you a visit VIDEO

The same source claims that the action of Ukrainian soldiers was carried out on the basis of a tip from intelligence officers, Ukrainska Pravda reports.

A video showing the moment when the object was hit, after which a dense cloud of dust began to rise, also appeared on social networks.

A source from the SBU states that the HIMARS missile "paid a visit" to the daily meeting of Russian officers of the 24th Motorized Rifle Regiment of the 70th Authorized Rifle Division.

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