From Ukraine to Germany: "Go to hell"

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Andrii Melnyk reacted to Ralf Stegner's statement.


Monday, 10.07.2023.


From Ukraine to Germany:
Foto: Profimedia

From Ukraine to Germany: "Go to hell"

Otherwise, Bundestag deputy Ralf Stegner criticized the US decision to supply Kyiv with cluster munitions, stressing that their use could lead to the death of civilians.

Former Ukrainian Ambassador to Germany and Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Andrii Melnyk told Stegner and other German politicians who criticized the delivery of cluster munitions to Ukraine to "go to hell."

In this way, Melnyk reacted to his statement criticizing the US decision to supply Kyiv with cluster munitions, stressing that their use could lead to the death of civilians.

"Go to hell with your advice Mr. Ralf Stegner et al. You have no idea what you're talking about," he tweeted.

Namely, US national security adviser Jake Sullivan announced earlier that "the US has decided to transfer cluster munitions to Ukraine", the use of which the UN opposes.

He also noted that Kyiv has given Washington written guarantees to minimize the risk to civilians when using this type of ammunition.

Pentagon spokesman Patrick Ryder said that if the US decided to provide Ukraine with cluster munitions (which are banned in more than 100 countries) because of the threat they pose to civilians, they would opt for more modern types.

"The bombs we are considering sending do not include older variants that have an explosive inactivation level greater than 2.35 percent," he said, adding that the Pentagon will "carefully select those with lower rates" for which it has recent test data.

Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said that the US decision to supply the Kyiv regime with cluster munitions is a manifestation of an aggressive course aimed at prolonging the conflict in Ukraine.

She pointed out that by supplying cluster munitions to Ukraine, Washington "will actually be an accomplice in the demining of the territory and will fully share the responsibility for those killed by the explosions, including Russian and Ukrainian children."

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