Stoltenberg says NATO remains committed to supporting Ukraine

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg admitted that supporting Ukraine in the current conflict is costing Western countries dearly.

Izvor: Sputnik

Sunday, 27.11.2022.


Stoltenberg says NATO remains committed to supporting Ukraine

Stoltenberg says NATO remains committed to supporting Ukraine

However, he pointed out that it is necessary to "maintain and increase" aid to Kyiv.

"Rising food and energy bills mean hard times for many households in Europe," Stoltenberg said in an interview with the German newspaper Welt am Sonntag.

However, he added, it is necessary to continue supporting Kyiv. In this context, the Secretary General of the North Atlantic Alliance highly appreciated Berlin's arms deliveries to Ukraine.

"Germany's decisive support is crucial," Stoltenberg claims, as reported by Sputnik. "We all need to increase our aid to Ukraine. This will help Ukrainians to defend their right to self-defense," he pointed out.

At the same time, NATO Secretary General noted that "Ukraine's position at the negotiating table can be strengthened if it is provided with military assistance."

"The best way to support peace is to support Ukraine," he said.

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