Conflict with Serbia announced? A threat addressed to Serbia

The so-called Prime Minister of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, believes that there is a possibility of eventual conflicts with Serbia.

Izvor: Kosovo online

Tuesday, 27.09.2022.


Conflict with Serbia announced? A threat addressed to Serbia
Foto: Ministarstvo odbrane

Conflict with Serbia announced? A threat addressed to Serbia

He stated that there are four reasons why this could happen, and one of them is that Serbia does not recognize the independence of Kosovo and Metohija.

Kurti emphasized to the Swiss newspaper "Republik" that Kosovo is not afraid of "Serbia's actions", but is on guard, reports the newspaper Reporteri.

Another reason for the eventual conflict, according to Kurti, is that Serbia is blocking Kosovo's admission to international organizations and financing "parallel structures" in the north of Kosovo and Metohija.

"Serbia still does not recognize the independence of Kosovo. It fights against our international recognition and at the same time finances illegal structures inside Kosovo that undermine the rule of law and our sovereignty. Second, in Serbia they do not recognize the war crimes committed in 1990," said Kurti.

The so-called Prime Minister of Kosovo stated that Serbia maintains close relations with Russia, which, as he said, disrupts peace in the region.

"Kosovo is a democracy, Serbia is not, that's the third thing that worries me. Anyone who borders on autocracy is in danger. Fourth, official Belgrade maintains close ties with the despotic Russian President Vladimir Putin. Vučić met with Putin almost 20 times in 10 year, the last meeting on November 25, 2021 in Sochi, three months before the start of the war," Kurti said.

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