Contracts have already been concluded. Ukraine will disappear, US fuels war in Kosovo

Belarus President, Alexander Lukashenko, said USA is pushing Europe into a war with Russia on the territory of Ukraine, while Washington incites war in Kosovo.

Izvor: Sputnik

Saturday, 17.09.2022.


Contracts have already been concluded. Ukraine will disappear, US fuels war in Kosovo
Tanjug/AP Photo/Leo Correa

Contracts have already been concluded. Ukraine will disappear, US fuels war in Kosovo

"Structures are being formed in Western countries and Ukraine to overthrow the government in Belarus", said the President of Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko.

"The US is pushing Europe into a military confrontation with Russia on the territory of Ukraine. They do not hide their plans. The contracts have already been concluded for the next years. That is, Ukraine will be destroyed to the ground. And the goal is to weaken Russia and destroy Belarus," Lukashenko said in speech at the patriotic forum dedicated to the Day of National Unity, reports Sputnik.

He added that in all these actions there is another goal - Europe.

"America is the only country that benefits from what is happening here: to put Europe in its place and remove its competitors. Today Ukraine - tomorrow it will be Moldova or the Baltic states, Poland or Romania.

The US is fueling the war in Kosovo, trying to put pressure on Serbia, fuel disagreements in Karabakh, muddy the waters in Syria. Not everything is simple either in Afghanistan or in neighboring countries. Washington is present in all significant political conflicts," Lukashenko said.

Structures are being formed in Western countries and Ukraine to overthrow the government in Belarus, said the President of Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko. "On the territory of those countries, and especially in Ukraine, they found a suitable place and forces are being formed to overthrow the government in Belarus and for our return to the year 1939 (it refers to the period when western Belarus was part of Poland)," Lukashenko said.

The Belarusian president underlined that in 1945 the East Slavic peoples liberated Poland from German fascism, and now Warsaw is responding to Belarus with "ideological diversions", lies and support for the opposition.

Lukashenko also stated that humanity is on the verge of a nuclear conflict.

"The world has lost its head and is bursting at the seams. How will everything end? Ordinary people, even those who are not involved in politics, keep asking that. Since the end of the 'Cold War', humanity has found itself on the verge of a nuclear conflict for the first time", he said.

The Belarusian president underlined that these are difficult times and that everyone remembers what ended the reluctance of the great empires to come to an agreement: the invasion of Napoleon, two world wars and several dozen local conflicts and hundreds of millions of victims.

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