Police cordons secure the main intersections, Belgrade in collapse; the march started

The pride parade as part of "EuroPride 2022" is taking place today, and the walk of Pride participants started from the Constitutional Court.

Izvor: B92

Saturday, 17.09.2022.


Police cordons secure the main intersections, Belgrade in collapse; the march started
Photo: Milan Maricic/ATAImages

Police cordons secure the main intersections, Belgrade in collapse; the march started

The police are standing at all the passages. The organizers of this event previously filed a complaint with the Ministry of Interior and the Constitutional Ministry, which were rejected.

Apart from the policemen on the streets and in the parts of the city where the Pride procession will move, the number of engaged members of the security forces in uniform or civilian is large - a total of around 6.000 people.

Police cordons secure the main intersections in Belgrade.

Strong police forces occupy the area around the Constitutional Court. Interior Minister Aleksandar Vulin is with the police.

Opponents of the Pride Parade, several hundred mostly young people in their thirties, gathered around the St. Sava Temple and started walking towards the Faculty of Law, but were stopped in Beogradska Street by the police, so that they would not come into contact with the Pride participants.
As reported by the media, most of them wear protective surgical masks and are hostile towards journalists.

The police met these people with a cordon halfway down Beogradska street, which is why the protest participants change their route. Some of them try to find cracks in the police cordon and make their way to Tasmajdan and come into conflict with the Parade participants. Despite the police blockade, a small group of Pride opponents gathered at the intersection of Bulevar Kralja Aleksandra and Resavska Street, holding icons.

Members of the Ministry of Internal Affairs detained 31 people until 3 p.m. today, due to the violation of public order and peace in the capital, the Ministry of Internal Affairs announced.
"The Ministry of the Interior will resolutely enforce the law and will not allow violence on the streets of the capital, disruption of public order and peace, and endangering the personal property and security of citizens," the announcement states.

Four men who today kicked members of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Takovska Street in front of the House of the National Assembly of Serbia were detained by order of the Higher Public Prosecutor's Office in Belgrade.
They were detained for up to 48 hours by the First Basic Public Prosecutor's Office in Belgrade for the criminal offense under Article 23 of the Law on Public Order and Peace - Obstructing an official in the performance of official duties.

K.N (30) and M.M. were detained, along with M.M. (32), M.M. (34) and T.B. (35). Flares were thrown at the police who are securing EuroPride in Liberation Boulevard.

One of the organizers of "Europride 2022", Goran Miletić, said that the Police had banned the planned walk from the Serbian Assembly to Kalemegdan, but that in the meantime the march from the Constitutional Court to Tašmajdan has been approved.

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