Lajčak: The deadline is two months

There is a deadline of two months to find a solution to the license plate issue, said the special envoy of the European Union, Miroslav Lajcak.


Tuesday, 30.08.2022.


Lajčak: The deadline is two months

Lajčak: The deadline is two months

He stated that he believes that a solution will be found and that some ideas have been proposed to the partners.

When asked by a Euronews Serbia journalist about the solution for license plates and the statements of Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić that he is not optimistic that a solution will be found by September 1, Miroslav Lajčak stated that he does not think that a solution should be sought by that date.

"The decision of the government in Kosovo is that the process should be completed by the end of October. So we have two months to find a solution, and we are already in that process. We have already had talks with President Vučić and with Prime Minister Kurti on that topic. We were in the dark about identity cards and entry-exit documents. As for license plates, we have at least two months to solve it, I believe we will find a solution," said Miroslav Lajčak, who is attending the strategic forum in Bled.

Asked about how he sees the solution for the plates, he said that he did not want to go into details.

"Especially because we have proposed some ideas to our partners. So it would not be good for me to go public now. I would like to say that it would really be better, instead of solving crises, if we could devote ourselves to the essence of the process, normalization. So that people should live normally, that they should not think about what will happen tomorrow, in a week, in a month. And I believe that we will get there. We had the first conversation between the two leaders two weeks ago in Brussels on this topic, and that meeting showed that they can talk even though they disagree on many issues," said Miroslav Lajčak.

When asked if this two-month period was also confirmed by the Pristina side, the EU special envoy said:

"Of course". Re-registration campaign starts on September 1 and should last for two months. I don't expect any drama on September 1st. There is no reason for that. We have a deadline of two months to find a solution, as we found with regard to identity cards," said Lajcak and added that he must be optimistic.

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