Bombs in hospitals? Threats reveal the location of the explosives; Teams on the field

New threats re: explosive device placed in the City Hospital in Zvezdara and the Department of Gynecology, as well as in the Dragisa Mišović Clinical Hospital.

Izvor: Blic, Novosti

Wednesday, 18.05.2022.


Bombs in hospitals? Threats reveal the location of the explosives; Teams on the field
TV Prva

Bombs in hospitals? Threats reveal the location of the explosives; Teams on the field

A new set of threats. Today, it was reported that the explosive device was placed in the City Hospital in Zvezdara and the Department of Gynecology, as well as in the Dragisa Mišović Clinical Hospital.

After the report, anti-sabotage teams arrived on the scene and performed check-ups.

According to the recordings that appeared on social networks, people are being seen leaving the hospital, and the police are on the spot.

A mysterious message

To t he e-mail address of the "Dragiša Mišović" hospital, the following message was sent:

"We planted four bombs in the hospital. You will only find out who we really are," the source revealed, according to Informer. Police teams performed an examination of the KBC "Dragisa Mišović" in the cardiology unit. The patients returned to the hospital after the check-up. Currently, there are counter-diversion teams in the part of the maternity hospital.

As Novosti has learned, it has not been determined for which block the report was. The teams are now in Block B, from where the patients were not evacuated, the "Novosti" reporter found out on the spot.

A threatening message at the Military Medical Academy (VMA) as well

A threatening e-mail with a horrible message about the set of as many as seven explosive devices arrived at the address of the Military Medical Academy in Belgrade, the Informer has learned.

"There are 7 explosive devices in the building of the Military Medical Academy. Each of them is timed and contains 1 kilogram of C4 plastic explosive. To make the puzzle more interesting, we will give you another tip - two of these 7 devices are in the medical waste bin, and one is somewhere on the second floor", reads the threatening email of the anonymous sender.

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