Leathal weapons arrive in Ukraine; Putin orders nuclear deterrence forces to prepare

The fourth day of Russian military operation in Ukraine: The day began with fights and may end with an agreement. Negotiations between the two sides are pending

Izvor: B92

Sunday, 27.02.2022.


Leathal weapons arrive in Ukraine; Putin orders nuclear deterrence forces to prepare

Leathal weapons arrive in Ukraine; Putin orders nuclear deterrence forces to prepare

Meanwhile, the West is imposing new sanctions on Russia in order to isolate it from the international financial system and to "make it harder for it to finance the war machine."

"Deadly weapon" arrives in Ukraine tomorrow

German Ambassador to Kyiv: Berlin will start delivering deadly weapons to Ukraine on February 28, Russian media report.

German authorities will start delivering lethal weapons to Ukraine on February 28. This was stated for German Channel 24 by German Ambassador to Ukraine Anka Feldhusen.

According to her, the German authorities are radically changing their policy towards Russia.

Earlier, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz announced that Germany would send anti-tank weapons and Stinger missiles to Ukraine.

The Russians are grouping the army in Belarus, preparing for the trip to Kyiv

Russia has transferred additional aviation to the border of Ukraine in Belarus, regrouped its forces and continues the offensive on Kyiv.

This was announced by the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and states that Belarus has become the epicenter of the concentration of Russian forces:

- 10 helicopters from the 15th Brigade with its headquarters in the settlement of Ostrov, Pskov region, as well as two An-124 Air and Space Forces planes have been deployed at Machulishchy Airport;

- At the Baranovichi airport - four Su-34 fighter-bomber fighters.

Also, Russia has regrouped its forces and is conducting offensive operations in the direction of Kyiv. The Ukrainian military is successfully resisting, they say.

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