Prime Minister of Australia, it was all in vain

Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison's popularity has fallen to its lowest level since 2020, just months prior to the forthcoming election.

Izvor: B92

Monday, 31.01.2022.


Prime Minister of Australia, it was all in vain
Tanjug/AP Photo/Alastair Grant, Pool, File

Prime Minister of Australia, it was all in vain

The latest opinion poll, conducted for the newspaper "Australian", shows that support for Morrison dropped by five percentage points to 39 percent in January, which is the worst result in the last two years.

The poll also shows that support for Morrison's ruling conservative party has fallen to its lowest level since becoming prime minister in 2018.

The reason for that is primarily the dissatisfaction of Australians with the way in which the Government fought against the spread of the omicron strain of coronavirus.

Morrison enjoyed the greatest popularity when he closed the borders of Australia and offered financial aid to those endangered due to the lockdown, which contributed to the rapid suppression of the coronavirus, Reuters reports.

Australia, however, is now battling a highly contagious omicron strain, hospitals are overcrowded, and shortages in supermarkets are noticeable due to supply chain disruptions.

This means that the several-week imprisonment of citizens as a harsh measure did not bear fruit. Morrison's government also came to the forefront of the public before the Australian Open, when an eleven-day drama is unfolding about whether the best tennis player in the world, Novak Djokovic, will be allowed to play or not. The epilogue is already known to everyone, and Morrison, who said at the beginning that Djokovic could not enter Australia and that he is a threat to the health of citizens, even though he had documentation that he had recovered from COVID-19 infection twice, and that, accordingly, he cannot be a threat to anyone.

Morrison also calculated that insisting on deporting Djokovic would contribute to his rating, which clearly put the whole situation around Djokovic in a political context.

Also, the government was forced to call for help from the so-called backpackers, people who travel the world freely, to help Australia, which does not have enough manpower due to the omicron.

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