Brnabic: Vucic's murder planned in the first half of February, we have it in writing

Prime Minister Ana Brnabić said that Serbia received information that the assassination of President Vučić was planned in the first half of February this year.

Izvor: B92

Saturday, 22.01.2022.


Brnabic: Vucic's murder planned in the first half of February, we have it in writing

Brnabic: Vucic's murder planned in the first half of February, we have it in writing

Being hosted on TV Prva, Prime Minister Brnabic said that she received notification of the planned assassination on Friday, January 14, under the label urgent.

"It is quite clear and unambiguous that the assassination of Vučić is planned, even with the time when the murder was planned - in February this year," she said.

As she stated, all services are working to prevent the murder of Vučić.

"We got it in writing through EUROPOL, anyone who has the courage or any moral courage to make fun of this..." she said.

„But it doesn’t mean anything to me if we don’t prevent it and catch those people earlier if we don’t prevent them from entering Serbia or their hideouts in Serbia, then I don’t believe in any personal security. Because if you want to kill someone you can kill them. So we have to prevent them that much earlier", Brnabic pointed out.

She said that people from the region, EU member states and other countries are in that criminal group, reminding that there is a warrant for Zvicer from Serbian authorities and that she suspects that he is the head of the Kavac clan.

„Our services are working to find those people and prevent the murder. In that information, Radoje Zvicer was marked as the organizer. I don’t know whether he is at the head of that criminal group, and I doubt it and I think that there is someone who is above him but who they are and whether they exist at all, that will be determined by the investigation,“ Brnabic told TV Prva, stating that the notification was received in writing.

"Everything I say can jeopardize the investigation and warn those people," she said.

"For me, the primary thing is to prevent that and to protect the life of the President of Serbia," she concluded. Brnabic said that she did not believe that Vucic would change his behavior despite the warning, and that he had his own plans and goals and did not want to be obedient in that sense and cooperate with the security services.

"We must do everything to keep him safe. He has his goal and mission and he will not give up or change a thing. If the highway to Pakovrace is to be opened, he will go there to open it," she explained.

As she said, if something happens to Vučić, Serbia will not be able to continue like this.

What did Vucic say?

According to her, she is sure that it is not easy for Vučić, and that he told her: "Even if that happens, I fulfilled almost all the things I wanted. Serbia is a country that keeps winning, we have restored stability, we have a clear vision for the period from 2025 to 2030... One must die, sooner or later, but as I said, there are still so many things to do".

She told the citizens that Serbia is not a state it used to be in 2003, unable to protect its Prime Minister.

"We are much stronger today in that security sense, everything we have at our disposal, as well as friendships with other countries, I believe this will be fine, but we have a difficult job ahead of us. We will save the president," she said.

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