What the Russians said to NATO and the EU: "Tell Pristina"

Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs made a statement on the blockade of Jarinje and Brnjak, i.e. the presence of ROSU units at the administrative crossing.

Izvor: B92

Tuesday, 28.09.2021.


What the Russians said to NATO and the EU:
Ilustracija: Depostiphotos/ matwey

What the Russians said to NATO and the EU: "Tell Pristina"

Russian diplomacy instructed NATO and the European Union to influence Pristina to withdraw forces from the north of Kosovo and Metohija in order to prevent further escalation, reports Sputnik.

KFOR patrols arrived in Jarinje earlier in order to "preserve security and freedom of movement", reports Sputnik.

Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Marija Zakharova said earlier that official Moscow was worried about the situation in Kosovo and Metohija, emphasizing that the scenario was developing from "bad to worse".

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