"It's neither the time nor the place to mention him" VIDEO

President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, and Serbian Prime Minister, Ana Brnabić, addressed the public after the Government session in Kruševac.

Izvor: B92

Monday, 28.06.2021.



"It's neither the time nor the place to mention him" VIDEO

Today, Kruševac marks Vidovdan and the 650th anniversary of the founding of the city, and Vučić previously laid a wreath on the Monument to Kosovo Heroes on that occasion. Vučić said after the session that there is a lot to be proud of and pointed out that we should work "even harder".

"Serbia must take care of its citizens. Without freedom, without independence, there is no peace or realization of our interests," the President of Serbia said in his address after the session.

He pointed out that he had told members of the government to watch "how to preserve Serbia's independence".

President of Serbia stated that the strengthening of the army, police, armaments was discussed at the session...

He congratulated Vidovdan to the citizens of Serbia, especially the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija. When asked how he will continue the negotiations in Brussels, Vučić explained that there must be a dialogue.

"It must be on a rational level, to protect lives. Not to return children in coffins to their mothers. We must pursue a policy of seriousness, but cunningly... I think it is not the time or place to mention him (Kurti). Today is the time to look at the tragedy of Kosovo's heroes... Let's not live from myths, no matter how much we love them", explained Vučić.

Vučić explained that the so-called Kosovo declared independence in 2008 and pointed out that there was no reaction to that, as well as to the demolition of churches in Kosovo and Metohija. He pointed out that Kosovo is being talked about today and that it does not have a seat in the UN because of his work and commitment.

"We have to do even more"

The Prime Minister referred to the investments in Krusevac, which hosted the Government session.

"We have done a lot for Krusevac, but we have to do even more," Brnabic said after the session.

She criticized politicians who challenged the construction of a "digital highway" in that part of the country.

Last year, in addition to the fight against the coronavirus, we managed to build one of the two COVID hospitals in Krusevac, the Prime Minister said, adding that the session discussed what needed to be done for the institution to immediately start treating people after the coronavirus.

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