Kon took off his mask: "If collective immunity reaches 70 percent, we are safe" VIDEO

Being hosted at "150 Minutes", epidemiologist Predrag Kon took off his mask. He then pointed out that the activity of the virus was decreasing.

Izvor: B92

Friday, 25.06.2021.


Kon took off his mask:
Printscreen: TV Prva

Kon took off his mask: "If collective immunity reaches 70 percent, we are safe" VIDEO

"But what has to worry us is - Great Britain. If the Chinese strain was one to infect three, this Indian strain is to infect five to six," says Kon.

He adds that vaccines also protect against the Indian strain, and when asked if it is possible to get symptoms of the virus, in addition to vaccination, he answered:

"When we look at the last week, you have all those who were sent to be examined as suspected of COVID. Only one percent was found. That is very important."

He points out that we have reduced the activity of the virus and that it is a consequence of vaccination.

"If we were to force ourselves to raise our collective immunity to 70 percent, then we could say goodbye, no matter what happens in the world," he explains. According to him, if we reach that immunity, we will no longer have this disease as worrying. However, it is too early to conclude.

"I advise everyone who has not been vaccinated not to go to the events," he emphasizes. He says the coronavirus can cause infertility problems, not the vaccine.

"The story that the vaccine can affect childbirth has existed since the vaccine was found. In Kosovo, a rumor spread among Albanians that the polio vaccine wants to reduce their number, and then there was an epidemic of polio," Kon explained.

Asked whether vaccination should have been mandatory, Kon said there was no need to do so. "The mortality rate is about one percent," he says.

He says that the Crisis Staff did the best it could. But he pointed out that he might have done a lot differently. He points out that vaccination is now the most important thing and begs young people to get vaccinated and return to a regular life.

"I don't know if I should kneel, but I appeal to young people to help themselves," he says at the end of the interview.

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