The Assembly supported the Proposal to change the Constitution

Members of the Serbian Parliament adopted a proposal to change the Constitution, which was submitted by the government.

Izvor: B92

Monday, 07.06.2021.


The Assembly supported the Proposal to change the Constitution

The Assembly supported the Proposal to change the Constitution

Earlier today, Prime Minister Ana Brnabić stated that the topic of the rule of law is extremely important for the government and that is why she is determined to implement changes to the Constitution so that the judiciary would be independent, more responsible and more efficient.

"We need to strengthen the rule of law in Serbia and that will lead to an increase in average salaries and pensions. Progress in the rule of law should lead citizens to feel that everyone is equal before the law, that justice is fast and achievable, that the judiciary is independent and responsible and much more efficient", said Ana Brnabić in the Assembly of Serbia, explaining the proposal for changing the Constitution.

As previously explained, at this stage, the MPs will declare Serbia's intention to change the highest legal act in the area of justice, while concrete solutions will be discussed at one of the next sessions.

On April 16 this year, the Parliamentary Committee for Constitutional Issues and Legislation passed a decision on initiating activities to change the Constitution, and after that public hearings were organized in Belgrade, Novi Sad, Nis and Kragujevac. After the confirmation of the Assembly on the intention to change the Constitution, the next step is to organize a referendum.

The President of the Assembly, Ivica Dačić, stated that the referendum on changes to the Constitution could be held in the fall, i.e. before the parliamentary elections and the dissolution of the Assembly.

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