Statement of the Head of the Administration for Prevention of Money Laundering

Željko Radovanović claims: "The list of NGOs and individuals from the media is not accurate. Some we do not control".

Izvor: Kurir

Wednesday, 29.07.2020.


Statement of the Head of the Administration for Prevention of Money Laundering
Foto: Tanjug, Nikola Andjic

Statement of the Head of the Administration for Prevention of Money Laundering

The whole process is carried out in strict compliance with laws and international regulations, which we as a state are obliged to respect, says Željko Radovanović.

Radovanović says that the list that appeared is not complete and that some of the persons mentioned are not the subject of the Administration's analysis at all.

- I cannot present the data publicly because it is a confidential process, but I can say that not all those mentioned in the media are the subject of this analysis, and even less that it is a complete list of all those who are the subject of our work. The whole process is carried out in strict compliance with laws and international regulations, which we - as a state - are obliged to respect. Institutions are doing their job and I will repeat that four ministers from the Government of Serbia were the subject of our work, which clearly shows that there are no protected people in Serbia - says Radovanović for "Kurir".

Radovanović pointed out yesterday that the Administration does not hold a selective approach in its work, that it examined the property and accounts of the current ministers, and that the risk in non-profit sector organizations was assessed last year and no one tagged it as a witch hunt.

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