At the request of N1, REM banned the SNS election video

By the decision of REM, at the request of N1 television, the pre-election video of the SNS list - "For our children" was banned, the media report

Izvor: Tanjug

Monday, 01.06.2020.


At the request of N1, REM banned the SNS election video

At the request of N1, REM banned the SNS election video

It is a video in which the leader of the Serbian Progressive Party, Aleksandar Vucic, and a six-year-old girl appear.

According to the "Informer", the decision was made with five votes "for" and four votes against it.

With this decision, REM ordered that the broadcasting of the "disputed" SNS video be stopped within 24 hours.

As it is stated, REM decided on the ban on the pre-election video of the SNS, which was the subject of public controversy due to the alleged abuse of children for political purposes.

Last night, the President of Serbia commented on the possibility of banning the video.

"If Regulatory Authority for Electronic Media (REM) bans it, I will respect that decision. The most ridiculous thing is that the biggest fuss was raised by a television station that we paid for airing that video, they've asked REM whether this election video violated the Regulation on the protection of rights of minors in the field of media services", he says and adds:

"I got used to their taking our videos off the air."

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