Armed robbery in Kursumlija: Shooting and chasing after thieves

An armed robbery of the AKS courier service took place in Kursumlija last night, involving the use of firearms and shooting

Izvor: Beta

Thursday, 28.11.2019.


Armed robbery in Kursumlija: Shooting and chasing after thieves
Ilustracija: Depositphotos/ Chalabala

Armed robbery in Kursumlija: Shooting and chasing after thieves

Two attackers robbed the van of that courier service, but no one was injured.

Police from Kursumlija soon arrested both of the assailants who had planned the attack, the driver of the courier van told Beta.

According to him, about two kilometers from the city center, near the Kuršumlija Health Center, on a section of the road passing through the forest, two attackers set stones on the road and hid in the forest.

When the driver saw the stones on the road, he stopped the vehicle and went out to remove it. On that occasion, two robbers ran out of the woods, pointed a gun at him and demanded that he hand over all the money he had.

"Since I didn't want to hand them the money, they had physically assaulted me. We pushed and scrambled around over a bag with money and documents. At one point I heard someone firing a gun, and I fell to my knees. They took a bag with money and fled into the woods", driver Dejan J. said.

The robbers took about 170,000 dinars and driver's documents.

After only a few hours, Kursumlija police identified and arrested the attackers.

No one was injured in the armed robbery, and the driver was provided with medical treatment at Kursumlija Health Center due to the shock he experienced.

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