Media: Kidnapping of famous football player attempted in Belgrade

Belgrade police arrest two young men on suspicion of trying to kidnap football player A.T. (20), learns "Blic"

Izvor: Blic

Wednesday, 20.11.2019.


Media: Kidnapping of famous football player attempted in Belgrade
Foto: Srdjan Stevanovic/Starsportphoto

Media: Kidnapping of famous football player attempted in Belgrade

According to the newspaper, the young men were arrested in Kaludjerica.

According to Blic, there was an altercation in traffic first and then an accident when an "Audi" struck a "BMW" driven by the football player, in which he was alone. When the football player got out of the car, they tried to put him in the trunk, however, he managed to overcome them and escape.

The two young men then took his car and fled to the Kaludjerica settlement, where they were later arrested, after A.T. reported the case to the police.

Belgrade media reported that it was Aleksa Terzic, a footballer of Italian football team Fiorentina, noting that the abduction was attempted when Terzic was returning from a match of a young Serbian national team playing against Russia in Nis.

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