The trial in the most exposed murder case - the murder of a singer begins today VIDEO

Zoran Marjanovic is facing trial today before the High Court in Belgrade, in the renovated Palace of Justice. He is charged with the murder of his wife Jelena

Izvor: Tanjug

Tuesday, 05.11.2019.


The trial in the most exposed murder case - the murder of a singer begins today VIDEO

The trial in the most exposed murder case - the murder of a singer begins today VIDEO

Since the start of this case, he has denied that he killed his wife, a folk music singer, and has been charged with the criminal offence of a serious murder, for which he is facing up to 40 years in prison and is defending himself released from custody.

The prosecution charges him with killing his wife Jelena in Borca on April 2, 2016, while their underage daughter, who came with them to the Crvenka embankment, was in the immediate vicinity of the crime scene.

Last summer, the court returned full custody of the child to Marjanovic, which was taken away from him after his wife died.

He was released on June 12, 2018 by the Appellate Court after spending ten months in custody. He was arrested on September 15, 2017, a year and a half after the murder.

He had been detained on several occasions, but after being questioned by the police and taking a lie detector test, he was released due to lack of evidence.

Prior to his arrest, Marjanovic spoke about the murder on numerous occasions in the media, and participated in a television reality show.

The murder of Jelena Marjanovic is a criminal case that has been exposed to media coverage in Serbia to the greatest extent for the past three and a half years.

Dr Ivana Stevanovic, Director of the Institute of Criminological and Sociological Research, agrees that in this case it is a matter of turning serious murder of a young woman and mother into show business, and that what has happened to us in recent years is the fact that death becomes something that fills the front pages of the media.

"We as a society no longer care about those who carry the brunt, and in this particular case, it's a child", she added.

"I hope the Prosecution has done its job and took the girl's statement and that the child will not have to go to court again", she concluded.

Asked whether, when final verdict is reached in this case, the media will stop mentioning it, Dr Ivanka Stevanovic thinks it will not be the end of it. "We have delivered judgment and made our own verdict, one way or another in our society".

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